[root@207 ~]# docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ip-address= 208 Running pre-create checks... Creating machine... (208) No SSH key specified. Assuming an existing key at the default location. Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes... Detecting operating system of created instance... Waiting for SSH to be available... Detecting the provisioner... Provisioning with centos... Copying certs to the local machine directory... Copying certs to the remote machine... Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon... Checking connection to Docker... Docker is up and running! To see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on this virtual machine, run: docker-machine env 208
[root@2-225 ~]# docker-machine Usage: docker-machine [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...] Create and manage machines running Docker. Version: 0.15.0, build b48dc28d Author: Docker Machine Contributors - <https://github.com/docker/machine> Options: --debug, -D 开启调试模式 --storage-path, -s "/root/.docker/machine" Configures storage path [$MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH] --tls-ca-cert CA to verify remotes against [$MACHINE_TLS_CA_CERT] --tls-ca-key Private key to generate certificates [$MACHINE_TLS_CA_KEY] --tls-client-cert Client cert to use for TLS [$MACHINE_TLS_CLIENT_CERT] --tls-client-key Private key used in client TLS auth [$MACHINE_TLS_CLIENT_KEY] --github-api-token Token to use for requests to the Github API [$MACHINE_GITHUB_API_TOKEN] --native-ssh Use the native (Go-based) SSH implementation. [$MACHINE_NATIVE_SSH] --bugsnag-api-token BugSnag API token for crash reporting [$MACHINE_BUGSNAG_API_TOKEN] --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version
Commands: active 打印已激活的机器 config 打印机器的详细信息 create 创建一个机器 env Display the commands to set up the environment for the Docker client inspect Inspect information about a machine ip 获得机器的IP kill Kill a machine ls List machines provision Re-provision existing machines regenerate-certs Regenerate TLS Certificates for a machine restart 重启一个机器 rm 移除一个机器 ssh 通过SSH登录机器并且执行命令. scp 在两个机器之间复制文件 mount 使用SSHFS挂载目录. start 启动一个机器 status Get the status of a machine stop 停止一个机器 upgrade Upgrade a machine to the latest version of Docker url Get the URL of a machine version Show the Docker Machine version or a machine docker version help Shows a list of commands or helpfor one command
Run 'docker-machine COMMAND --help'for more information on a command.